Poor installation of flooring often leads to ripple or wrinkles in the carpet. Sometimes foot traffic, aging, or water damage can produce waves on the carpeting. In such cases, carpet stretching services become a necessity. You should hire a carpet restretching Perth company as soon as you notice the first wrinkle on the flooring.

Delaying the stretching service can damage the carpet, as wrinkles often lead to tearing and ripping. Moreover, there is a high risk of people tripping over it and getting themselves injured. The risk would further increase when you have kids and the elderly in the home.
Carpet Stretching Perth

How to Check If Carpet Requires Stretching Service

The easiest way to check if your carpet needs to be restretched is by lifting the carpeting at the center and then snapping it back to the floor. If the carpet lays flat, you probably do not require carpet stretching service. However, if it does not lay flat and create ripples, then it is high time to hire a professional carpet restretching Perth technician.

If you want to save some bucks and want to stretch the carpet without professional aid, then we have outlined the process and tools required for it.

Essential Tools for Carpet Stretching

Carpet stretching is a challenging task, but if you are planning on doing it by yourself, then you would need – a power stretcher and a knee kicker. If you do not know how to operate a power stretcher, ask your friend to lend you a hand.

A power stretcher is a tool that has two components – a lever and a head. The lever is placed against one end while the head is to be around to stretch the carpet. You can find both these tools in the local hardware shop.

Process of Carpet Restretching

  • Once you have procured all the tools and supplies, you can proceed with the carpet stretching
  • Start the power stretcher and start working from the center of the flooring.
  • Work on a small area and then move 18 inches before moving to the other part.
  • Always remember to pull the carpeting and re-hook it to the tack strip place along the edges, every time you stretch it.
  • Proceed towards the wall that has a door and then move towards other sides.
  • Restretch each side properly. Instead of 18 inches, you can start from a foot away from where you pulled it last.
  • Fasten the carpeting to the tack strips properly.
  • You can use a knee kicker to stretch the areas that are difficult to reach, such as cabinets.
  • Once the carpet is stretched, cut the sides and trim the edges. Also, ensure that the backing is intact.
  • Tuck the overhang carpet under the baseboard.


While working with a power carpet stretcher, practice caution as it is a powerful tool. Further, if you push down the lever forcefully, you may rip the carpet to pull it off the tack strip on the other end.

A ripped, bubbled-up, and wrinkled carpet can damage the look of your living space. Therefore, you should never delay carpet repair and carpet stretching service.


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